Hamam Pera woven bath rug Turkish cotton
Pera Woven Bath Rug
Hamam Pera woven bath rug Turkish cotton

Pera Woven Bath Rug

Woven from 100% organic cotton in Turkey, the Hamam Pera Bath Rug is fluffy on the outside, and is highly water absorbent which leads to a dry and an always comfortable bathroom.

The microscopic spaces between fiber loops allow air to pass through enhancing absorption. Free from harsh chemicals, the Hamam Pera Bath Rug remains thick and soft even after repeated washings. Soft and plush, Hamam bath linens are as pure as the spirit that inspired them.

Made in Turkey

$0.00 $128.00

Dark Grey
16"W x 24"L
24"W x 37"L

16"W x 24"L 24"W x 37"L

1500 gsm. 100% Organic Cotton

Machine wash warm. Do not bleach. Tumble dry on low heat. Do not iron.